1 minute read

Disclaimer: There’s lots of awesome books regarding OOP and how to write a good code (for example, 99 bottles of OOP, but there are tons of them)!

However, books take longer time to read, so here I attempted to compose a list of small but very useful articles which address the most crucial (IMO) problems.


Code smells list
most frequent non-trivial ones: Feature envy, Primitive obsession, Data class (lots of articles across the web, a couple I was able to recall below)


PrimitiveObsession - awesome video

related to DataClass code smell: Anemic domain model anti-pattern


Composition vs inheritance, 4 articles:


A million of articles, what I was able to find in 2 minutes:

Typical abstractions


https://www.sitepoint.com/7-design-patterns-to-refactor-mvc-components-in-rails/ (the same but with better syntax highlighting)

Overkill for small tasks, but good in bigger projects: dry-rb family
For example, on the last project we used dry-container, dry-auto-inject, dry-validation, dry-schema, dry-struct (and I think we could also use dry-events instead of self-made implementation). Recommend to take a look at, there are some useful abstractions.


Good general article about testing pyramid

Rspec-specific: a lot of people overuse fancy stuff like let, Let’s not helps to understand how to keep the balance between them and pure ruby functions to make specs better


Readable code

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